
工作时间忙工作相关的事情自不消说,到了家吃饭洗碗带孩子洗澡洗衣服又是一通忙,哪里还有看书的时间,列于“在读”一栏的《市场营销》也有好一阵子没翻开了。因此我就只剩下了上下班和午休的这点时间,如果说看书,自然在手机上看来得更方便可行。之前看过Sacrifice Me,当前正在看A Game of Thrones和Seventh Mark!

不得不吐槽一下,据说马丁在冰与火之歌里使用了大量的古英语和生僻字,读起来确实艰涩,不易浸入,所以,我至今才啃到220来页,而整卷则有740多页,任重道远啊!昨天稍稍放下了它,改读Seventh Mark。这本魔幻言情小说的第一部分是免费的,已经看过,现在看的是收费的第二部分,自然是用Rewards上的收入买的。打开它,这个故事读起来就顺利许多,就像是进入了现代社会,即便是有些生词也不存在阅读障碍。

昨天读到了Micheal对Rouge说的一句话:When one doesn’t have the fear of dying, it lets you push your limits a lot further. 突然间,我感觉这句话就像是我说过的。当时就把这句话发到了微信朋友圈,某娃嘲笑我还整了个英文的鸡汤,当然了,我才不发鸡汤呢!今天在过往的文章《可怕的荒野》中找那句说过的话:多看看、多学学,你的瓶颈就比别人的高,生活空间就获得了拓展,活得就可以“从心所欲”,也就不用那么容易绝望了!




Phrases and Sentences

  • No doubt:毫无疑问地。可以作为一个句子的开头。句子:No doubt China is never  a neglected country in history and the present age.
  • A sack of potatoes:一麻袋土豆。麻袋啊,多么生活的语言,或许可以说a sack of cotton/corn/rice, 句子:I feel you are lighter than a sack of potatoes.
  • In the same direction:同一个方向。句子:We are heading in the same direction.
  • Break our fast:吃早饭。不多见。They broke their fast and set out.
  • Hand it back:递回去。Hand动词。句子:He finished reading the paper and handed it back.
  • Under his arms:手执武器,备战。句子:Only soldiers under arms are allowed to go to the battlefield.
  • Before dawn:天还没亮。句子:I set out every weekday before dawn.
  • Born only two years apart:差两岁。句子:Sansa could never understand how two sisters, born only two year apart, could be so different.
  • Straightened in his seat:在位子上坐直身子。句子:Straightening in seat is a proper posture.
  • Step forward:走向前。句子:Step forward and pick up the book on the ground.
  • Put ice in his voice:声音变冷。句子:”Leave us and I forgive you”,John said, put ice in his voice.
  • Deep inside of the forest:森林深处。小说里常看到deep inside of me,part of me, all of me,个人将多了都要把人剖成几块,外界的一切内映到自己的心中了。
  • Clear one’s throat:清嗓子。Clear your throat and make a great speech.
  • No wonder:难怪。No wonder you come to me for help.
  • In a couple of days:就这两天。Package arrives in a couple of days.
  • Take a sip:呷一口。Take a sip of coffee and continue to watch a pair of legs of that pretty girl sitting across from me.
  • Settle down:安顿下来,坐下来。After settling down, I go out of dorm to find old friends.
  • For the sake of:为了,为了…起见,出于…考虑。For the sake of safety, I always hold a hand of my son tightly when we’r out.
  • With no adult supervision:没有成人监管。We have no idea what he and his girlfriend did all night with no adult supervision.
  • On my own:我自己。I think I can make it on my own.
  • Snuggle closer to him:依偎更近。A girl likes snuggling close to the guy when she’s falling in love.
  • Lean forward/back/against:斜身。Tom leaned against door frame and told his little sister stories in school.

介词 prepositions


  • as 句子:I bathe my son as wife cooks.
  • over 句子:Cross over the hill and arrive at the river shore.
  • among 句子:to find a bean among rice.
  • beyond 句子:There’s wildlings beyond the wall.
  • out of 句子:A cold wind was blowing out of the north.
  • between 句子:There’re many differences between you and me.
  • without 句子:I can’t make it without your help.
  • up 句子:Take up the toys he threw off.
  • through 句子:Go through the crowd and bring her back.
  • at/of/to/with/in/with/in/off/within/under/below/by


    1. 摸不透冰与火之歌里的语法词语啊,我是第一次看到这个用法,在你看来,这确是古英语的用法了?这搞法好随意啊!

  1. 我挑个错哈,最后介词部分的 as 和 up 例句里都不是做介词。break our fast 也不是古英语(但是是过时用法),fast 作名词最早是禁食、不吃东西的意思,break one’s fast 就是打破禁食、开始吃东西,后来引申出了 breakfast,一晚上没吃东西以后的第一餐,即早餐。现在 fast 的词义已经变窄了,仅指宗教的斋戒,break one’s fast 也仅指结束斋戒了。

    1. 欢迎挑错!as和up确实没有太注意分类,该归属副词吧。当初老师说吃早饭是快速打破,感觉fast就是个副词,没想到fast竟然是被break的对象了。不是古英语就好,现代英语还学不过来,那还学那么偏门的。感谢赐教!

    1. 我倒是觉得这是没出国的人的盲目乐观。三个月才90天,如果要背9000个单词,一天也要100个。对日常用语的语感应该有用。

    1. 这是遇上高手了!这里只是记录小说中遇到的生字、词语,有的也是知道的,但是用的时候却想不起来。

    1. 哈哈,以后得向汉娜老师看齐!对于汉字,一般来说我可以当字典用,不过,这字典有时也拿不准了。

    1. 只要有兴趣,什么书都可以。不过,我看原著最大的目的是培养语感,看看老外的使用习惯,增加词汇量算是顺便的事儿。即便是这样做得好,听力还是得想想办法。在知乎上看到有人说的,你听不懂你看不懂的句子,我觉得挺有道理的。


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